Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Welcome to Song of the Willow

Hello there -- Thanks for checking out my very first blog post!!! I have to admit, I am REALLY a novice at this. So, I am very proud of myself that I somehow managed to get this far!

The title of my Blog "Song of the Willow" relates to some writing I am doing right now while on a sabbatical leave. As things move along in that department, I will probably post some of those thoughts -- not to bore you -- but to explore the hidden habitat in our soul journeys that sometimes look like we are grounded (as in "You're Grounded!! and going nowhere fast!!") -- sometimes look like we are rooted (as in the rootedness of a willow) - and sometimes look like we are simply "stuck in the mud" (as in "stuck in the mud").

And for those naturalist purists out there, I want to assure you that I do know that the picture above is not a willow. It looks more like a pine but I am on the hunt to find just the right picture and wanted to play with the "insert image" feature. And I'm pleased to say it worked -- except it is not a willow...that I know.

So, stay tuned. I will return with more Songs from the Willow